Friday 23 December 2011

Summer Work

Can't wait to share some of my most recent work with you all, but first, lets start at the beginning of the journey shall we?
: ) 

This was some of the work I did over the summer. It was a project to give us a starting point for the course, just to get a general idea of what sort of work we make and what we're interested in. I'm not going to go into detail about the brief, but as you can see, I decided to spend a lovely sunny afternoon outside, on my lawn, photographing/documenting my lazy day outside. These aren't all of the photos (there are way too many to upload), so these are just some of my favourites.

 'A simple rose...'
 'A gentle breeze...'

 Hurray for macro setting!  : )
 'The faun fountain'

 That grass was so comfy : D

Below, is some of the work I made from my photographs. These are two little boxes containing different things from my photos. The idea of this mini box project was to experiment with texture & scale, and to create a sculpture of a world inside something small.
I put the texture of the lawn inside this box...
 I used cotton wool & green ink to create the background and leaves from a plastic plant for the grass.
 The other half of the box was made from a cut up photo of the lawn (close up), and some fake flowers.
 This is my little 'Sky box' using the same idea & technique as the 'Nature's Carpet' box. I used an empty cotton bud box for this one. I covered all sides except two, in my sky photos. This gap would allow people to see in.
 I used cotton wool for the cloud, stuck to the top with double sided sticky tape. 

This last piece is a photo edit I did using Photoshop, I played around with the sepia tones and decided to make the fly colourful. I was very pleased when I managed to take this photo, as it isn't exactly easy sneaking up on a fly that's just landed on your toe. My super ninja skills allowed me to capture this unexpected and  precious moment in time in the everlasting form of a photograph. 
I think my choice in colour portrays this idea very well.  : )

That's all I have time for at the moment, but I will keep on posting until I've shown you all my past work for the course. Then we can move on to my most recent stuff. 

Wednesday 7 December 2011


Hello everyone, 

This is my sacred dumping ground for all my artwork, be it work for uni, or myself. I will share with you my thoughts and ideas, which will hopefully give you an insight into the mind of the Cosmos (that's me :D), and help me to arrange my mish-mash of artwork. I am always looking to improve my work, therefore, any critique/constructive criticism is very welcome. 

 I won't be updating everyday, but perhaps once or twice a week.... or whenever I feel is necessary.

I'll be posting some artwork soon... watch this space!  :D