Friday 18 May 2012


And now, the moment you've all been waiting for.... a short collaborative film made by Patrick White and Sara Van Dyke...

This is the tale of the Vinyasar and the Bloomenblick. (Best viewed in full screen) Enjoy! :)

                       The Bloomenblick       The Vinyasar

Unfortunately, we had cut a few scenes due to time limitations and technical issues, but I am extremely pleased with what we do have. I really enjoyed this collaboration and we had fun making the film too. :)

One of my favourite costume design studios...

I have always admired these wonderful costumes and they continue to inspire me.
They are beautifully detailed and very convincing! 


For this project, we had to design a collection of 5 or more t-shirts, which would be a re-working of an existing printed t-shirt. The t-shirts did not have to be wearable. I was working with two other people on this project. To begin with we were working on a rota system, each working on one t-shirt for a week, and then passing it on to the next person. These are some of the designs I worked on...

 Later, I decided to make one by myself as part of my costume, for the orchestra project (

 I made this one by stapling old tights and strips of paper to the t-shirt.


In the summer, I hope to continue this project for myself. I want to experiment more with texture and colour. I want to see what happens when I dip a t-shirt in PVA glue and twist and crinkle it before it dries.

I also bought this book recently... its packed full of techniques to produce colour and texture on different surfaces. I think they're really beautiful. I'm just dying to give these a try!